Florianópolis, BRAZIL 2015
The SOLABIAA Congress is a biannual and itinerant event, which promotes coexistence between Latin-American academic and companies communities, allowing the exchange of experiences and knowledge related to common problems in the areas of Environmental Biotechnology, Algal Biotechnology and Cleaner and Sustainable Bioprocesses.
After I SOLABIAA Congress, held in 2008 in the city of Xalapa, Veracuz, Mexico, it was held the Second Congress in 2010 in the city of Cancun, Mexico, and the III Congress in 2013 in the city of David, Panama. This Fourth Congress, to be held in November 8-13, 2015 in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, will be another step to extend and disseminate the activities of the Company, consolidating its operations in Latin-American territory.
*****New deadline for expanded abstract submission is: May 25, 2015. *****
- To encourage and promote the research activities, development and innovation in Biotechnology focused on Environmental, Algal and Cleaner Processes fields in Latin America;
- To disseminate scientific and technological advances in the field;
- To promote interaction between participants of the congress to encourage attachment and the development of inter-institutional projects, as well as the exchange of scientific information;
- To establish networks of academic cooperation enabling the development of solutions to common problems in Latin-America;
- To contribute to the academic and scientific training of professionals and students;
- To discuss and provide to industrial community technological alternatives for cleaner and more sustainable productive processes.
- Environmental Biotechnology: Biodegradation of recalcitrant compounds; bioremediation, environmental biosensors, applied environmental microbiology and genomics; phytorremediation, biological treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters.
- Algal Biotechnology: Strains collection, algae physiology and cultivation, algae genetics and genetic engineering, ecotoxicology and aquatic contamination, phytorremediation, photobioreactors, biofuel production, carbon sequestration, use of algae in aquaculture, algae application in nutrition and health engineering.
- Cleaner and more Sustainable Bioprocesses Development: Bioprocesses for the production of clean energy, microbial fuel cells, biohydrogen production, optimization and scale-up in bioprocesses, waste minimization and recycling.
Important dates:
Expanded abstract submission: May 25, 2015
Approval of extended abstracts: Jun. 01, 2015
Notification of acceptance: Jun. 08, 2015
Due date for early registration: Jul. 01, 2015